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Visit to RHS Wisley - Autumn

At any time of the year there is plenty to see at RHS Wisley.

Initial work has now commenced on the Strategic Investment Programme incorporating - the new welcome building, new centre for horticultural science and learning and work to the existing Laboratory building. Do not let this put you off visiting as even on a slightly dull day there is plenty of inspiration.

To the side of the Canal the combination Salvia planting is currently at its best and immediately demonstrates how floriferous the Autumn garden can be.

New planting this year in the Walled Garden East hopes to demonstrate the alternatives to box through a contemporary display of clipped shrubs and it will be interesting to see how this developed as the plants become more established. It was great to see the Berberis and Pittosporum being promoted.

Whilst Wisley is not only about Autumn leaves you certainly will not be disappointed if this is what you have come to see. Look out for some new sculpture in the Wild Garden.

Highlights include the Glasshouse Borders which were originally based on a concept by Piet Oudolf and demonstrate the philosophy of low-maintenance gardening. The scale of these borders enable mass block planting to be viewed at its best - particularly if you continue up to the Fruit Mount viewpoint.

The Mixed Borders are also looking fantastic. Plenty of ideas which can be scaled down to a residential herbaceous border. Come back in late Winter/Early Spring to see the area after the herbaceous plants have been cut down and you will be able to track the incredible growth which these plants achieve each season.

Splashes of colour are to be found in the Vegetable Gardens so it pays to visit this part of the garden each time your visit in order to get a idea as to how you can replicated year round use of your vet patch at home however big or small it may be.

As always as I left I was already planting my next visit which will be in Winter.



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