Time to improve your garden in time for next Summer?
Now is the perfect time to review the planting in your garden and make a plan to ensure that it looks amazing again next year.
It is not all about the plants!
Researching outdoor porcelain tiles.
Modern garden with easy maintenance block planting.
Modern garden design with easy maintenance planting.
Shrubs, shrubs and more shrubs!
Researching shrubs for winter interest in an easy to maintain garden.
Research & Preparation - what did we do before the internet?
Even before arriving for the initial consultation a garden designer will have done as much research as possible!
My butt is empty - Will it ever rain?
How to look after your garden during dry weather.
2017 - Garden Maintenance Availability
If you intend to be able to enjoy relaxing in your garden once the days lengthen and warm it pays to start the tidy up now.
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